Making – Paper Craft Terrain

OK, so, originally I was going to make today’s post about sculpting tools, but lately,  I’ve been thinking a lot about paper-craft scenery*, so I decided to make this post about that instead.

So, whether you use scenery for table top wargames, for RPGs, dioramas, backing for displaying miniatures or even just for something to make, there are a plethora of options in front of you. From scenery pieces scratch built out of bits and pieces, to pre-made resin/plastic items (such as the ones we sell), to laser-cut balsa wood kits, to fully assembled and painted pieces.

Paper-craft scenery has a good ratio of work ~ results; which is to say, while it may take time to print and assemble, it wont require painting time, and the assembly is ‘usually’ easier than a complete scratch-build. And the results are typically pretty, good, at least for most tabletop projects.

Reinforcing papercraft terrain

Often such papercraft kits can seem a little bit flimsy, so, when I am working with it, I generally reinforce the internal voids with cardboard, packing foam, plastic, and foam-core. Most often this takes the form of the paper craft being glued to pieces of cardboard (cut to fit), with foam sandwiched between the two side of cardboard.  I find this can really add to the robustness and longevity of the piece.

Many papercraft kits have built-in mod-ability, which can allow you to create scenery that is re-configurable & customisable. However; there is nothing stopping a savvy hobbyist from using the prints out however they wish, and I find that the most impressive results are often found when combining paper craft with other methods.

It’s also worthy to note that paper craft usually shines best when the kit focuses on a building or similar terrain piece with flat surfaces and hard edges.

Well, that’s it for now, I’m planning a few personal terrain projects in the future that will use paper-craft to one degree or another, and I hope to talk about them on this blog, so, if you are interested in that sort of thing, keep an eye out for it.

– Pendix Out

*(this Kickstarter is what prompted it actually)

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